Synopsis of Composition

Stella Maris Q150 Anniversary Incidental Music

Other - theatre ensemble
Various short incidental works:
Transition 1 - 1' 00"
Transition 2 - 0' 55"
Transition 3 - 0' 31"
Transition 4 - 1' 16"
Transition 5 - 1' 03"
Transition 6 - 1' 05"
Transition 7 - 1' 11"
Date Of Composition
Given the nature of the evolution of the theatre piece for which these short pieces were composed no fixed dates are known but they were composed across February and March of 2009 as the final nature of the production was decided.
Stella Maris Catholic Primary School, Maroochydore, Queensland
Context For Creation
Not only was the commission project about the works for the school ensembles but also about incidental music for the event in which the two ensemble-based works would have their premiere. The event was about the sesquicentenary of the state of Queensland and the incidental works were written as links to and from various theatre and dance components of the overall program. The ensemble was made up of professional players (mostly the itinerant instrumental teachers) and enthusiastic aficionados from the staff and parent cohort of the school. Again, Inez Durrer needs to be acknowledged for her tenacity in accessing funding this project but also in putting together the whole theatre presentation. Consider more of the background here Hultgren Durrer email and also refer to partner works from the same commissioning project here Star of the Sea and Bounce.
Stella Maris Catholic Primary School Concert Q150th anniversary celebration concert of the establishment of the state of Queensland; Maroochy Baptist Church 20 June 2009.
Program Note
There was a very positive and enthusiastic response from the members of the ensemble who had an awareness of what the incidental music did for the drama of the whole program. My sense was that it was an enthusiasm born from involvement rather than at the value or quality of the music I had written.
This is functional composition, utilitarian music in fact, and, as such, it worked solidly and appropriately. He has no other purpose than to link scenes in the drama that it was located in.