Synopsis of Composition

My Sister's Tears

Wind Orchestra
8' 30"
Date Of Composition
Commenced on February 13th, 2004. Sketch completed 2nd of March 2004 and manuscript score finished on the 31st of March at 7.45 pm. Engraving followed over the next few weeks.
Context For Creation
This is the major case study in this exegesis and allows the reader to intersect with both the circumstance which precipitated the writing of the work and the process involved in composing it. In doing so there are many points of reflection and review where both the process and the genesis of the work are considered, mulled over and interrogated through an autoethnographic lens. Here I must recognise the fine musicianship of Dr Matthew George who came to Australia to premiere this work with the Queensland Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. The primary materials in that process of reflection and review can be found via the following hyper links.
Brisbane, Conservatorium Theatre. Queensland Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Matthew George conducting. 3rd June 2005 Subsequent performances:
  • University of St Thomas Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Matthew George conducting; O' Shaughnessy Auditorium, University of St Catherine, St Paul, Minnesota, USA - 8 December 2005
  • Case Western University Wind Ensemble, Gary Ceipluch, conducting, Severance Hall, Cleveland Ohio, USA - 2008
  • Various performances across the USA as reflected on by personal communication
Studio Music London in 2006
Program Note
Cover Publication
Cover Recording
There have been many responses to the work. The link below to my reflections after the premiere in the USA tells of a number of them from overseas. Responses to the world premiere performance in Brisbane can be found here, Collated responses, alongside the response from the confirmation presentation, which included a performance of the work. Responses from doctoral confirmation process.