Synopsis of Composition


String Orchestra
2' 15"
Date Of Composition
Around the end of January 2009, I believe.
Stella Maris Catholic Primary School, Maroochydore, Queensland
Context For Creation
Striving to produce two different works for the band and string orchestra (see the notes on the band work, Star of the Sea) involved establishing an awareness of the capabilities of both ensembles. I could hear that the strings displayed enthusiasm and a disparate ability level and the concept for 'Bounce!' came to me. My hope was to write a work that made them all work, not just the 1st violins, and made them play carefully but not tentatively. My thanks again to Inez Durrer for her support of this whole project. See the program note and email to gain more insight into this whole project. Also see companion works Star of the Sea and Stella Maris.
Stella Maris Catholic Primary School String Ensemble Q150th anniversary celebration concert of the establishment of the state of Queensland; Maroochy Baptist Church 20 June 2009.
Program Note
There were some positive responses from teachers involved but the work has been rejected by one publisher in the USA for being too under-developed. I am unsure as to what I would do with it so I am leaving it for another time to consider what might be done.
What I enjoy about rehearsing this is the energy the students can develop in the pizzicato and the steady pace that needs to be in place to make it 'sit' well. My initial reaction to the publisher was to think they wanted something that was to suit a market and not a consideration of the work itself - how would it 'fit' their house style and needs. I feel more sure of my view on that now, four months later. I believe the work is a solid young string orchestra work that gives the players ample opportunity to develop some styles and technique yet does not demand too much stamina from them.