Synopsis of Composition

To the Glory of God

Wind Orchestra and Chorus
Circa 5' 00"
Date Of Composition
Composed across June and July of 2007 with the manuscript score noting "finished 20 July 07, 5.00 pm".
Grace Lutheran College, Rothwell, Queensland, Australia
Context For Creation
This was a very rewarding commission because it came from a young Christian woman, Rachel Howley, who had lived through part of my period of vicious agnosticism and still came to the point of asking if I would write a work to celebrate the 30th anniversary of her school - a Christian place in more than just name. The invitation came after having worked with her band a number of times and also after my Christian conversion. Both Rachel and her colleague, Cleonie Copper displayed great faith in commissioning this work from me and I thank them for that. Details of the discussions which preceded the works composition can be found here:

Email - Howley - Hultgren .


3rd of December at Grace Lutheran College, Rothwell, Queensland, Australia; Rachel Howley, Band Director and Cleonie Cooper, Vocal Director.

Subsequent performances:

  • Various locations in Australia and New Zealand on Grace Lutheran College music tours in the years following the premiere.
Program Note
There has been solid acceptance of this work as being almost akin to the school music department's 'anthem'. It is played on all of their tours and, given the accomplished choral program the school has, the utilisation of voices and wind ensemble provides for an engagement of the bulk of the musicians from the school program in a rousing finale to concerts and major school events. The melody I utilised is called "To God be the Glory" and the school music program motto is "To the Glory of God" - a suitable union I suggest.
I was delighted to write this for Rachel. She is a gracious young lady and I regret the manner in which I treated her and all the other young Christian students I had while I taught at Queensland University of Technology. To be able to write this for her and for her to know the care and consideration I have placed into it is only a small way to say sorry.